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Artlink Central

Once in A Lifetime Live Arts Programme in Public Spaces Led by Adults with Learning Disabilities

 This document serves as guidelines for proposals for work to be developed as part of Abrupt Encounters. The proposal will serve the project manager to make budget and programme decisions with regards to the delivery of Abrupt Encounters. Proposals are by invitation only and may be subject to further discussion, revision and changes in discussion with the submitting artist.

 Artist Proposals

Following an initial stage of planning and consultation with key stakeholders, partners, artists and participants, Artlink Central are now in a position to allocate project resources to collaborative participatory programmes of creative activity that:

1)    Introduces people with learning disabilities and other mainstream participants to live arts practice in public spaces through participation, building their knowledge and understanding of a range of practices

2)    Evolve a shared sense of inclusive practice: Live arts practitioners will engage with participants and development artists to ensure all stakeholders have autonomy and ownership over the creative process and output.

3)    Create high quality co-owned live site-specific art works in project sites for public audiences and visitors to these sites 


The Intended Outputs (subject to final agreement from partners and funders)

  • 150 adults with learning disabilities (and mainstream participants) engage in the programme in a range of public spaces, working with a range of live arts practitioners
  • High quality live arts work is created for presentation in at least four spaces (indicatively with Stirling Castle, Changing Rooms (Tolbooth), Forth Valley Royal Hospital and the Helix Project)
  • Increased access to and engagement in live arts practice by participants and audiences
  • Increased engagement between Artlink Central and social care services and service users
  • Increased community and social engagement for people accessing NHS Learning Disability Services

 Key Requirements for Live Arts Practitioners

  • Artist will be invited to submit a proposal/s
  • Artist will be subject to PVG screening
  • Artist must commit to sharing their artistic practice and professional work with participants, producers and other artists where appropriate to develop shared practice and ownership


This programme will be led by adults with learning disabilities and the development process must involve and engage with participants. All of these participants are considered vulnerable adults and therefore their safety and wellbeing is of paramount concern. However, they are also co-production partners, co-owners and collaborators on the programme and should be involved in key decisions about the programme direction and nature. The development artists have a key role in facilitating and ensuring this is taking place throughout the programme.


“Artreach participating artists have come from a history of projects where they have effectively been ‘told what to do’, and development artists have done a lot of work through Artreach around the area of improving people’s confidence in expressing and realising their own ideas. We have a great collaborative, organic model of practice which is truly flexible and inclusive, light years ahead of many organisations, and which…is a great strength that produces the beautiful work that it does.”

Development Artists 

Submission of artist proposals will be upon invitation and will form the basis for decision making. Please allow for some flexibility in proposals and for scale of the work so that we can design the best possible mix of work and programme to ensure participants are exposed to and engage in a range of live arts practices and are able to create well-planned, high-quality new works for the public domain reflecting the interests of the participants and the learning through engagement with professional live artists.

Proposals should be sent with a recent CV to Kevin Harrison

For further info or to ask questions please call Kevin on 01786 450971