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    Arts and Social Inclusion for Non-transition P1-6

    Autumn 2009 programme ‘Healthy Eating’

    Outline: Develop and deliver a programme of inclusive arts experiences that promote social inclusion for pupils with additional learning need within a mainstream setting 


    Visit the project gallery at flickr

    Participants - Children from small-based provision with mainstream pupils. Participating Schools: Callander P.S.; Fallin P.S.; Riverside P.S.

    Intended Outcomes

    • Participation in arts promoting inclusion
    • Improved relationships amongst peers and staff
    • Learning new skills  or building on existing skills

    Content - This programme focused on using art to promote health eating. Initially resources were used from NHS Health Improvement Resource Service to discuss what healthy food meant, the children then produced artwork that was exhibited in the Smith Art Gallery & Museum from 12th November 2009 – 16th December 2009. The artwork produced focused on the role of sugar and how it can induce tooth decay and how healthy food can help you feel and look healthy.

    Outcomes  - 25 outcomes fully achieved and 11 partially

    Impact Statements

    ‘Two groups of eight children participated enthusiastically in this project. There was an interesting variety of different media for the children to experiment with and explore. Each task was explained clearly and well to the children, help and guidance were provided when necessary. The children were justifiably proud of the finished products when they were brought back for them to see. Children who are difficult to motivate were gently encouraged and all eventually joined each session. ELS children were positively influenced by good mainstream role models and this was evident not only in their behavior but in the completed exhibits. One boy commented that the clay model making was the best art he had ever tried. The children are now looking forward to seeing their work on display at the Smith.’ Evelyn McDermott, Fallin Primary School

    All the children were keen to participate in the fun activities set for them. They willingly got involved in the group conversation and discussed issues related to healthy eating. For example, while making the rotten teeth from clay, they all gave their opinion as to what would cause teeth to rot. I would have liked the children to work more in teams, but [the teacher] was not too keen. She said that in a lot of cases the stronger opinionated child would dominate and therefore not allow the weaker child to participate. Kitty Falzon, Artlink Central Lead Artist


    This project was broadly successful and the exhibition offered an opportunity for parents, grandparents, staff and pupils to share in the success of the learning experience with the artists. Public health and recycling messages were combined in a strong visual presence at the Smith Museum and Art Gallery. Large volumes of work were produced and a range of printing, collage and construction techniques explored. A proportion of pupils indicated they felt more creative and part of a group by the end of the project. One school was unfortunately unable to attend the sharing, which created some disappointment, but the length of the exhibition meant it was possible for families to visit. In future it may be helpful to stress to schools the focus of this work was on teamwork as one teacher noted issues around this and suggested avoidance, rather than address directly to meet the outcomes set.