Dear Friend, Colleague and Supporter
2012 is the Year of Creative Scotland and an incredibly busy year for Artlink Central. We have so much to tell you, that we have had to capture it all in one helpful newsletter.
Staff and Board News
We are very sad to be saying goodbye to a number of staff this year. Earlier in the year Di Stewart left the organisation for a full time position in Balfron and this month we will be saying farewell to two of our artistic programmers, Julie Law and Sylvia Woodford. Between them they leave with around 22 years of dedicated employment with Artlink Central. Both Julie and Sylvia are visual artists who joined us initially as freelance artists and then took up roles within the staff team. Julie’s work on Artspace, our mental health programme and Sylvia’s work with schools are embedded within the core programme of Artlink Central and they will leave a lasting creative legacy for this organisation. Julie and Sylvia will be saying goodbye to colleagues and friends at an informal celebration in Stirling on the evening of 9th August, meeting at 8pm at the City Walls and you are more than welcome to join us in thanking them for their outstanding contributions to the work of the charity. Please RSVP to sarahp@artlinkcentral.org
We also said goodbye this month to Board Member, Iain Kilpatrick who began volunteering for Artlink Central in 2009 and has been integral to supporting the big transitions and changes we have made in our governance over the past few years. He moves from his position as Headmaster at Beaconhurst School to take up a role in the south west of England. We wish him all the best in the future and thank him for his fervent support.
On a happier note, this year we have had three new faces to our staff team. David McQuatt joined us a year ago as our Finance and Administration Officer having a strong background in general management at Art in Hospitals, followed by Fiona Taylor who is our new Business Development Officer, responsible for connecting our work with supporters and friends and developing fundraising initiatives. Fiona joins us with a vast array of experience supporting Australian arts organisations, in particular dance companies to develop funding strategies. Last in, but by no means least, is Robin Anderson, our new Administration Assistant, again with many years of work in a number of sectors, including roles at Scottish Parliament.
We are now advertising for a new full-time artistic programmer – details on our website or email for a pack to info@artlinkcentral.org
You can contact Kevin Harrison on 01786 450971 to find out more about the role.
Abrupt Encounters
Once in A Lifetime Live Arts Programme in Public Spaces Led by Adults with Learning Disabilities
Our biggest programme news is that we have a new live arts programme beginning shortly. Abrupt Encounters is part of the Year of Creative Scotland 2012 programme, supported by Creative Scotland’s First in a Lifetime investment of £92,700, as well as financial support from Falkirk Council, Stirling Council, NHS Forth Valley and the Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust.
The programme has evolved from our Artreach programme for adults with learning disabilities and will create inclusive participation opportunities in the top of the town area of Stirling, in public spaces such as Stirling Castle, the Changing Rooms and Stirling Old Town Jail.
We will also develop site specific work in the grounds and environs of Forth Valley Royal Hospital and as part of the Helix Project in Falkirk. Our Artreach team of artists will be co-producing the work with our Artreach participants and live arts practitioners from across the UK, with support and in partnership with UZ Arts.
Upcoming Dates:
7 August: Participants Development Day, Stirling Castle, 10am – 3 pm
8 August: Participants Development Day, Leisure Centre, Callander, 10am – 3 pm
Seasoned – Dementia Arts in NHS Forth Valley
4 projects engaging with 30 dementia patients over 53 sessions working with 11 professional artists
‘Seasoned’ was the Artlink Central Arts and dementia programme which operated in four NHS wards for dementia and cognitive impairment patients across Forth Valley throughout 2011-2012. Feedback from the previous year recommended that we worked on longer projects with dementia patients. Benefits of this included increased understanding by artists of individuals
, patients became more familiar and engaged with the processes and staff understood the aims and value of the work of Artlink Central artists.
Each ward had artists visiting over 15 weeks creating thoughtful, innovative and contemporary arts workshops designed to engage patients, respect their dignity and focus on opening up communication with families and staff. Workshops included music, reminiscence based work, storytelling, film making, visual arts and sound recording. The projects were mentored by Rosas Mitchell.
Some of the work will be exhibited as part of Scotland’s ‘Luminate’ Creative Ageing festival this October at the Macrobert, Stirling.
Upcoming Dates:
- 15 October – 16 November, Greenhouse Gallery and Seasoned Exhibition, Part of Luminate, Macrobert
Art transfusion – Work with older people in NHS Forth Valley
8 projects engaging with 46 patients over 40 sessions working with 9 professional artists
Led by development artist, Christine Hilditch, this mobile and inclusive arts programme was delivered in eight NHS wards across Forth Valley engaging with 80 frail elderly patients throughout 2011-2012.
The programme was designed to give patients innovative opportunities to share their talents, experiences and knowledge with peers, staff and family. Creativity is a touchstone for all people and gardening has been proven to have a positive impact on personal well- being. This project was also designed to bring the outside inside!
With the broad theme of gardening in mind, each ward filled a portable greenhouse with ceramics, felt making, cast plants, herbs, reminiscence based recipe books and much more. All the greenhouses came together at the end of the year for an exhibition tour visiting: Forth Valley Royal Hospital Larbert, Clackmannanshire Community Healthcare Centre, Duntreath Castle, Stirling Community Hospital and Macrobert, Stirling as part of the Creative Aging national ‘Luminate’ festival. Following the tour all greenhouses and artwork will be returned to the wards.
‘I have witnessed first-hand improvements in patient’s mental wellbeing. I have seen people who were initially shy, upset and scared, come out of their shells and increase in confidence after just one session. I have witnessed patients with memory problems picking up materials and tools ready in anticipation for the session to start. I have listened to conversations had by those who were socialising with others in their wards for the first time instead of being alone in their rooms. I have seen amazement on the faces of staff when participants stayed for a two hour session instead of their predicted 20 minutes. I have seen the smiles on people’s faces when they see what they have achieved in such a short time. I have listened to their stories, I have laughed at their jokes, I have sung songs with them and most of all, I have enjoyed every part of the Art Transfusion project’
Christine Hilditch, Development artist for Art Transfusion
Upcoming Dates:
- 15 October – 16 November, Greenhouse Gallery and Seasoned Exhibition, Part of Luminate, Macrobert
Stirling Schools programme 2011-12
We have concluded another fantastic year of school projects across Stirling. We provide a service supporting smoother transitions and social inclusion.
Highlights of our rural focussed social inclusion work this year included the unveiling of a new mosaic for Killearn Primary School, our Creative Leavers having another successful exhibition in Edinburgh, having worked individually with artist to support them to take their artistic talent to adulthood and ‘Oh the Places We Will Go’ a large performance and cross art form project involving seven high schools and their feeder primary schools to support transition in high school with an Olympic sized theme and event at the Albert Halls.
The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival 2012
Once again, Artlink Central is leading on a vibrant and exciting programme for this years festival which will include a song writing workshop and open mic night at the Tolbooth, visual arts exhibitions in Forth Valley Royal Hospital, the macrobert and Dunblane Museum and a Pop Up Gallery and Programme in Stirling Town Centre.
Upcoming Dates:
- 3 October – 20 October: Works in Progress Exhibition, Dunblane Musuem and Gallery
- 12 October – 31 October: Shared Views Exhibition, Falkirk Town Hall Gallery
- 10 October – 9 November: Elemental Exhibition- Archie Tipple, Forth Valley Royal Hospital
- 11 October The Songwriting Project and Artlink Central Open Mic Night, Tolbooth
- 15 October – 16 November, Greenhouse Gallery and Seasoned Exhibition, Macrobert
- 16 October : Lights Out Listening in Larbert, Learning Centre, Forth Valley Royal Hospital
Fundraising News
Dunreath Castle Garden Show
We thought we might like to share the good news that we raised £4,505.50 in support of Artlink Cental as we participated in the first Duntreath Castle Charitable Garden Show. We would like to thank all the amazing volunteers, led by Carol Seymour and of course our generous hosts, Sir Archie and Lady Edmonstone and the dedicated committee of partners who created this wonderful show. Thank you too to our Patron Julia Donaldson who generously gave up her time to visit the Show and judge the children’s garden design competition.
Theatre Performance Fundraiser – One Man Show as HRH Duke of Edinburgh
We are also jointly fundraising with Stirling Action in Mind through a performance by George Telfer, who will be playing none other than HRH The Duke of Edinburgh in his one man show which is also touring to the Fringe this year. Please contact the office to reserve tickets for the show on Tuesday 7th August at 1pm. Tickets are £7.50
Art off the Rock 2012
Planning is afoot for our biennial art auction, Art off the Rock which will be at Beaconhurst School on the 4th November this year. Carefully curated by artists Lesley Banks, Lesley Anne Derks and Jaqueline Marr, we have an exciting programme including our anonymous postcard sale and the auction. We are generously supported by a range of businesses such as Smith & Williamson and Beaconhurst School. More details will follow soon. Please contact Business Development Officer, Fiona Taylor with any queries or questions at Fiona@artlinkcentral.org or on 01786 450971. Fiona works three days per week.
Artlink Central Dates for Your Diary
Dotted Lines Productions presents George Telfer as HRH The Duke of Edinburgh in a performance of “Do you Still Throw Spears at Each Other?” by Steve Haythorne. For one performance only at the Cowane Centre on Tuesday 7 August at 1 pm in support of Artlink Central and Action in Mind. George has kindly donated his performance in support of mental health and the creative arts - Artlink Central and Action in Mind wish him every success at the Edinburgh Fringe and warmly welcome him to Stirling. Tickets cost £7.50 and are available from Artlink Central.
7 August: Participants Development Day, Stirling Castle, 10am – 3 pm
8 August: Participants Development Day, Leisure Centre, Callander, 10am – 3 pm
10 August: Preview of Elemental Exhibition- Archie Tipple, Falkirk Town Hall
Monday 7th August - Friday 14th September: Exhibition Dates, Falkirk Town Hall
12 September: Artreach Creative Script Writers Project (Adult Learning Event), Cowane Centre, 10.30am – 11.30am (Free)
3 October – 20 October: Works in Progress Exhibition, Dunblane Musuem and Gallery
12 October – 31 October: Shared Views Exhibition, Falkirk Town Hall Gallery
10 October – 9 November: Elemental Exhibition- Archie Tipple, Forth Valley Royal Hospital
11 October The Songwriting Project and Artlink Central Open Mic Night, Tolbooth
15 October – 16 November, Greenhouse Gallery and Seasoned Exhibition, Macrobert
13-14 October, Stirling Mental Health Pop Up Festival 2012.
16 October : Lights Out Listening in Larbert, Learning Centre, Forth Valley Royal Hospital
4 November: Art off the Rock 2012 Biennial Postcard Sale and Art Auction, Beaconhurst School 6.30pm
Volunteer with us
Artlink Central is always looking for volunteers to assist on our participatory programmes, help out in the office or to assist with fundraising events. I fyou have a little spare time and are willing to get involved, please contact:
Fiona Taylor for fundraising and administration Fiona@artlinkcentral.org
Sarah Pearson for participatory arts volunteering SarahP@artlinkcentral.org