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The Green Gallery, Buchlyvie supports Artlink Central through an annual Christmas Fair. Click the image to visit the Gallery Website.


Supporting Creative Industries Across Forth Valley

Stirling Council is keen to support the growth of Stirling’s creative sector but it wants to hear from people working in the industry on the best way to help creativity, skills and talent to flourish across the Forth Valley.

The Council is working with Clackmannanshire and Falkirk Councils and Forth Valley College to conduct a survey of businesses and people involved in creative industries, including advertising, architecture; antiques; crafts; design; designer fashion; film; interactive leisure software; music; performing arts; publishing; software and computer services; TV and radio and visual arts.

The results of the study will be used to help inform future support schemes and provide evidence for organisations applying for funding.

Anyone with a creative enterprise or a desire to establish one is encouraged to participate in the study by completing a short survey at The survey will close on December 31, 2011.

 Councillor Scott Farmer, Depute Leader of Stirling Council and Portfolio Holder for Economy, Tourism and Finance, said: “We are keen to support and grow Stirling’s creative sector and to do this, we need to know more about the support requirements of businesses, enterprises and people involved in the sector.  Supporting growth of the sector will not just provide economic gain and new employment opportunities, but will help to improve the cultural experience of visiting the area and provide more community access to creative activities.”

For more information about the study, please contact Joelle Russell (Stirling Council) on 01786 442778, or email

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