The Illustrators: An exhibition of contemporary children’s book illustration curated by Julia Donaldson

A collaboration by Artlink Central and theparkgallery, Callendar House, Callendar Park, Falkirk
12 March – 2 May 2011
Click on the banner to visit the Illustrators minisiteJulia Donaldson is the author of over 150 books for children and besides writing well – known books with Axel Scheffler including The Gruffalo, The Snail and the Whale and most recently Zog, she has collaborated with many other illustrators. Julia is also Patron of Artlink Central, a charity which puts artists, musicians and storytellers into schools, hospitals, prisons and community spaces to work with children and adults and help them develop their talent and creativity.
Gillian Smith, Arts Development Officer, the Park Gallery said “As interest in the art of illustration for children has grown considerably in recent years the Park Gallery is delighted to collaborate with Artlink Central and invite Julia Donaldson to curate ‘The Illustrators’ – a unique and intimate exhibition of work by artists who have illustrated Julia’s books.
Lydia Monks - from ‘What the Ladybird Heard’The exhibition aims to highlight the diverse range of approaches to illustration and focuses on a number of artists who have worked with Julia over the years. Featuring original works (by, Axel Scheffler, amongst others) visitors will see examples of preparatory work - sketches, ideas and a unique display envelopes.
“I think my postman has a more interesting life than most, because every time Axel writes to me he decorates the envelope, often involving the stamp in a witty way, like turning Prince William into a giant. Sometimes the postman has to search for my name and address, as when Axel wrote them on various bricks being played with by the Gruffalo’s Child,” said Julia Donaldson
Envelope by Axel Scheffler (adapted for the Illustrators) Kevin Harrison , Director of Artlink Central said
“This exhibition offers not only a diverse and rich spread of some of the most exciting children’s art in the country, but also a personal insight into the processes and collaborations behind the work. We are hugely grateful to Julia Donaldson, Axel Scheffler and other contributors, their agents and publishers who have all generously supported the ambitions of this project.”
The exhibition includes exclusive material, including work that is not yet published including images from forthcoming books illustrated by Axel Scheffler, Sam McCullen, Pam Smy and even sketches and drawings for a new book by Julia Donaldson with illustrator Charlotte Voake exploring the further adventures of Edward Lear’s creations, the Owl and the Pussycat. Visitors will have access to work at all stages of development and Julia Donaldson has loaned work from her own personal collection of illustrations from her books.