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Current Vacancies and Contracts

Artistic Programmer

Artlink Central - Artistic Programmer

Full Time - 35 hours per week - £21,000 per annum

Artlink Central - Artistic Programmer

Full Time - 35 hours per week - £21,000 per annum

This is a rare opportunity to work in a highly demanding and creative participatory arts programming role. As an experienced and committed participatory arts administrator, you will know how to develop challenging and stimulating opportunities to engage arts practitioners in community and public sector environments, reducing barriers for people accessing the arts and culture. With experience of working within education and social care or health environments, you will provide strong management and direction to contracted visual artists, musicians and performing arts practitioners to meet our artistic aims and the outcomes of the participants on behalf of contractors and funders.

You will lead on our work in schools and in mental health programming, but will also collaborate to support programming across the organisation’s areas of work. You will bring with you, strong project management and administration skills, experience of operating budgets and the ability to fundraise for and promote our programmes effectively. You will be able to work across a range of art forms, and also have a strong practice in equalities.

The role will be subject to a PVG screening.

 Application packs are available by clicking on the links below or by emailing, or from Administration, Artlink Central, Cowane Centre, Cowane Street, Stirling FK8 1JP. Completed applications must be returned by Tuesday 21st August at 12 noon. To discuss the role, please contact Kevin Harrison on 01786 450971.

Job Information and Application Guidelines

Role Description and Person Specification

Please return the completed application form with personal statement providing suitability for the role against the criteria and person specification. Please return a completed equal opportunities monitoring form which will be kept separate from the application form.

Artistic Programmer - Application Form

Artistic Programmer - Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Provisional Interview Dates: 31st August and 3rd September


Artist Recruitment

We hold artist recruitment processes for self-employed visual artists, musicians, storytellers, filmmakers and performing artists on a regular basis.

From 2010 onwards we will be publishing a series of rolling deadlines. After these deadlines we will shortlist artists for a selection day and a selection of artists will be asked to attend. Please feel free to submit your interest with a C.V. at any point, but we will not normally consider you until deadlines have passed.

If you are invited to attend a selection day, you will be asked to present on your practice to other artists attending. You will also be interviewed by the artistic programming team. You will then be asked to attend induction and other training, be asked to commit to our Artist Code of Practice, attend our regular artist network meetings and be considered for contracted work with the organisation. You will be subject to enhanced disclosure checks and will be asked to disclose any criminal convictions.

If you wish to be considered in the next round, the submission date for CV’s is: to be confirmed.


Contact info@artlinkcentral or call Sarah Pearson - Artistic Programmer with responsibility for artist recruitment for further information on 01786 450971.