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The Green Gallery, Buchlyvie supports Artlink Central through an annual Christmas Fair. Click the image to visit the Gallery Website.


Reveal Scotland Coordinator - A Traineeship Opportunity for a Disabled Arts Professional

The Reveal Scotland programme will contract a highly visible post, for a disabled arts management trainee to deliver a project with a focus on supporting disabled artists and developing an artist-led forum as a source of support, information and under which, independent artists and creative professionals will be more visible within the disability and arts sector, and to the wider arts sector.

This will be a part-time paid contract to a self-employed individual. Please request an information pack for tender details. The placement will be based in Stirling with travel across Scotland. The candidate will have a suitable background in the arts and be able to communicate with a wide range of disabled artists, demonstrate a commitment to the social model of disability and to their own professional development within an arts development role. The postholder will be subject to an enhance disclosure check.

This programme and traineeship is funded through the Scottish Arts Council’s Equalities Career Development Fund for up to twelve months at a fixed fee of £8,064. Working hours have flexibility.

This role will be part time and will offer professional development to the appointed trainee for a twelve month contract. This opportunity will offer experience in the following areas of arts management:

  • Project management
  • Budget responsibilities
  • Programme development
  • Reporting and Accountability (to Director and Steering Group)
  • Disability Arts and Equalities
  • Event Coordination
  • Publication and print development (design and production)
  • Consultation
  • Evaluation and Reporting
  • Accessibility Issues

Artlink Central is looking for an organised and professional trainee with a commitment to their own career and professional development and with an excellent approach to communication. The trainee will be expected to represent the organisation, the Reveal Scotland project and meet with a diverse range of disabled artists and creative professionals. A strong arts background in administration and project management is desirable.

Deadline for expressions of interest: Monday 7th June 2010 at 5pm

Contact: Kevin Harrison, Director of Artlink Central for further information on 01786 450971 or via email at

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